Danger/Signs of adolescent substance use topic of Wednesday presentation

SHAWANO, Wis. (WFRV) – Addiction Resource Council (ARC) officials led an important discussion at Shawano Middle School on Wednesday night.

The purpose of the presentation was to educate parents about the different ways adolescents conceal their use of controlled substances and to give parents the tools they need to have the tough conversations with their kids about substance use.

“It’s difficult maybe taboo to talk about substances,” said Jessica Brost who is one of the community education and outreach specialists for the Addiction Resource Council. “We’re here to break down that barrier, that stigma, (and tell parents) that it’s okay to talk about it.” 

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Using a typical adolescent bedroom as an example, ARC officials outlined the ways that kids try to conceal their substance use. From hiding vapes in sticks of deodorant, water bottles, and even cans of Pringles, to using eye drops to make sure their eyes aren’t red after using marijuana, they said kids get creative and that it’s important for parents to know their tricks.

ARC officials said that vape and THC products are the most commonly used controlled substances among adolescents right now. They said that the most frequently cited reasons for why adolescents begin using these substances are because it will help them feel less stressed, depressed, or anxious, they are curious about it, or they want to fit in with their friends.

ARC officials said one of the best ways to get adolescents to avoid using controlled substances is through meaningful dialogue with their parents about the dangers.

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“We want them to feel that they’re confident in tackling this,” said Brost. “Comfortable talking with their adolescent about this as well.” 

The ARC officials spent about an hour and a half on their presentation. There were about 20 people in attendance including parents, teachers, and administrators at Shawano Middle School.

Another goal of the presentation is to inform parents about the dangers of controlled substances especially vape products. They often come in flavors that are appealing to adolescents and get marketed as safer than regular cigarettes.

On its website, the ARC has a page with factsheets about the dangers of vaping. During the presentation, they also talked about alcohol and prescription drug use among adolescents.